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lsabel Allende

Isabel Allende
Isabel Allende
Author: Jroses
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Isabel Allende nació en 1942 en Lima (Perú) de padres chilenos. Su padre era diplomático por lo que vivió desde joven en diferentes países y recibió una amplia educación. Desde finales de los años 60, trabajó como periodista en Chile, hasta su huida a Venezuela después del asesinato de su tío (primo de su padre), el presidente chileno Salvador Allende. En Venezuela, continuó escribiendo, en esta ocasión para el periódico El Nacional. Su primera novela, gran éxito de ventas, comenzó como una carta a su abuelo enfermo, y terminó convirtiéndose más tarde en La casa de los espíritus (1982). Esta novela dio paso a una prolífica carrera literaria. Algunos de sus títulos más conocidos son: De amor y de sombra, Eva Luna, Paula, Hija de la fortuna, Retrato en sepia, y La ciudad de las bestias.


Isabel Allende was born in 1942 in Lima (Peru) from Chilean parents. Her father was a diplomat so she lived in different countries from a young age and received a broad education. Since the end of the 1960s, she worked as a journalist in Chile until she had to flee to Venezuela after the assassination of his uncle (father’s cousin), Chilean President Salvador Allende. In Venezuela she continued writing, in this occasion for the newspaper El Nacional. Her first novel, a bestseller and critical success, started as a letter to her ill grandfather, evolving later into The House of the Spirits (1982). This novel yielded to a prolific literary career. Some of her best-known titles are: Of Love and Shadows, Eva Luna, Paula, Daughter of Fortune, Portrait in Sepia and City of the Beasts.


El trabajo de Allende, a menudo basado en sus propias experiencias personales, está escrito con un estilo de realismo mágico, en el que se suceden fantasías y mitos. Además de obras de carácter autobiográfico, ha escrito novelas históricas, como Inés del alma mía, basada en la vida de Inés de Suárez, la primera española en llegar a Chile.

Isabel Allende representa uno de los máximos exponentes de la literatura latinoamericanos del siglo veinte.


Allende’s work, often based in her personal experience, is written in the style of magic realism using fantasy and myth. In addition to her autobiographical work, she has written historical novels, such as Inés if My Soul, based on Inés de Suárez life, the first Spanish women who arrived to Chile.

Isabel Allende represents one of the highest exponents of the Latin American literature of the twentieth century.

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Retrato en Sepia : Una Novela
by Isabel Allende

A finales del siglo XIX en Chile, Aurora del Valle sufre de un trauma brutal que borra de su mente los primeros cinco años de su vida. Criada por su ambiciosa abuela, Paulina del Valle, crece en un ambiente privilegiado, pero se ve atormentada por horribles pesadillas. Cuando debe afrontar la traición del hombre que ama, y la soledad, decide explorar el misterio de su pasado.

Portrait in Sepia is a 2000 novel by Isabel Allende. It is the second part in the stories of the Sommers family. Continuing with the granddaughter of Eliza Sommers (Hija de la fortuna), the protagonist is Aurora del Valle. The bastardized daughter of Lynn Sommers (the daughter of Eliza and Tao Chi'en) and Matias Rodriguez de Santa Cruz(son of Paulina del Valle and Feliciano Rodriguez de Santa Cruz) has no memory of her first 5 years of life. She has reaccuring nightmares of men in black pajamas looming around her, and losing the grip on the hand of someone beloved.

Mi Pais Inventado : Un Paseo Nostalgico por Chile
by Isabel Allende

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Isabel Allende, author of numerous bestselling novels, was born in Peru, grew up in Chile, and then traveled with her parents to various diplomatic posts. Later, she was exiled permanently from Chile after the military coup of 1973. She is a perpetual foreigner now, an outsider in every culture, and so she sees things others miss. In this book, Author Allende takes a nostalgic look back at her life, her family, her native land, its culture, its foibles and its great strengths. She also reveals a great deal of her own inner self, creaing a powerful bond of intimacy with her readers.

El plan infinito
by Isabel Allende

El Plan Infinito, de la celebrada escritora latinoamericana Isabel Allende, es su primera novela situada en los Estados Unidos y con personajes nortemamericanos. Es la hipnozitizante y conmovedora saga de un hombre que, durante los largos años de su juventud y madurez, busca amor y aceptación. Allende traza la pobreza y abandono de la niñez de su protagonista, la persecusion de las pandillas de un barrio de Los Angeles,el horror de sus experiencias en Vietnam, su vida frenética como abagodo en San Francisco---una serie de frustraciones que por fin se resuelven en acogida y redención.

What makes Allende's writing so remarkable in El Plan Infinito is that every one of the characters--and at times there are almost too many--struggles toward the light, toward redemption, in his or her own way. And so, although these characters have terrible flaws and failings, you come to love them and wish them well. And by the end of the book, most of them--well, I won't spoil it for you. Author Isabel Allende has a unique way of creating a sense of intimate communion with her readers, so that you feel you have come to know her as well.

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