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Student testimonials regarding
Carolina, a superb native Spanish tutor!
113 Reviews
''Attentive to individual needs, caring, enthusiastic and pleasant to be around.
Has ability to help keep student anxiety low with regard to learning something new and difficult. ''
''Supportive, strong interpersonal skills, pleasantly enforced the no Enlgish rules, adept at explaining the logic behind the language, particularly the verbs.''
''She had high expectations - held me to a high level. I really had to work the whole time.''
''She was very patient.''
''Carolina did a great job speaking in Spanish so that I could understand her. She spoke in terms (vocab) I knew and did a great job with new vocabulary. She also did a good job encouraging us and being positive.''
''Explanation & giving enough time to ask questions & making sure I understood''
''She made the exercises relevant to my needs.''
''very organized, prompt, friendly and enthusiastic''
''Carolina was an excellent tutor. She was very helpful. ''
''worked with my current state of knowledge''
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v 12.13.24