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Spanish Classes for Real Estate for students living in St. Petersburg

Our Spanish for Real Estate Emphasis provides you with speaking and listening skills you need to communicate with your Hispanic clients while selling houses or assisting with the purchase of a dreamed home for students living in St. Petersburg. Better communication will then translate into more closings, which will in turn translate into more income for you. Throughout all of our Spanish course you will be interacting with one of our experienced instructors, a native Spanish speaker, role playing many of the situations you may encounter in a real workday, and analyzing the logic, structure and vocabulary that you need to know in order to speak, understand and be understood.

Real Estate
Complement our Spanish for Everyday Conversation course with this Spanish emphasis and learn how to interact with Hispanic clients while:

  • greeting customers

  • describing property

  • asking for preferences

  • giving directions

  • asking for and gathering documents

  • asking questions and understanding responses

  • recruiting and training employees


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St. Petersburg
Crescent Lake


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