You choose when and where to have your Spanish classes
![Key Benefit SpanishBlackBelt](/images/bullet_point_SBB.gif)
We understand the time pressure you are under and that is why we let you
choose the most convenient meeting times, dates, class length and meeting frequency.
![Key Benefit SpanishBlackBelt](/images/bullet_point_SBB.gif)
With SpanishBlackbelt you don't have to rearrange your life to accommodate a rigid course schedule. We can
meet throughout the day online or when possible
at your home or office, a coffee shop, or even at your tutor's home.
![Key Benefit SpanishBlackBelt](/images/bullet_point_SBB.gif)
Learning Spanish via Zoom, Skype, FaceTime or any other online platform, another alternative we offer you, allows you to benefit from our unique language training and teaching methodology when, for a diverse array of circumstances, you cannot physically attend classes.