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Student testimonials regarding Carolina, a superb native Spanish tutor!



112 Reviews

Key Benefit SpanishBlackBelt ''She was very attentive to my specific needs, particularly discussing topics in the field of work I am in. ''

Key Benefit SpanishBlackBelt ''Carolina is very patient with me. She does a great job of providing a balance between practice and theory pushing both as needed. She is a really great tutor! ''

Key Benefit SpanishBlackBelt ''When she explains very complicated topics, she makes them very easy to understand.''

Key Benefit SpanishBlackBelt ''Carolina is an exceptional instructor who makes learning genuinely fun and memorable! She is the perfect mix of levity, professionalism, and competent instruction. Her energy and enthusiasm are infectious and keep me motivated. I am looking forward to continuing to learn with her!''

Key Benefit SpanishBlackBelt ''Carolina makes it fun. She has a great sense of humor and she is down-to-earth in how she teaches which helps me be relaxed about learning. She always encourages me to try, and even when I make mistakes, she encourages me to keep trying. ''

Key Benefit SpanishBlackBelt ''She continually adapts the level of material to my progress and supplements lessons with additional learning tools to help understanding of difficult topics. She also recognizes how to tie in prior lessons to current sessions as a way to reinforce learning. ''

Key Benefit SpanishBlackBelt ''Carolina was an amazing tutor for both me and Seanna. We learned and absorbed far more Spanish than we ever thought possible. She kept us learning even when we hadn't had adequate time to prepare.''

Key Benefit SpanishBlackBelt ''Carolina creates a relaxed, natural atmosphere so that conversations are enjoyable and don't feel forced. In this way, I am able to comfortably practice speaking Spanish about a wide range of topics, use different grammatical structures, and have fun in the process.''

Key Benefit SpanishBlackBelt ''Inspire''

Key Benefit SpanishBlackBelt ''Carolina is extremely adaptive to the students level of progression and will slow or speed the instruction to make sure the retention of the material is at its highest level.''

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