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Student testimonials regarding Consuelo, a superb native Spanish tutor!



72 Reviews

Key Benefit SpanishBlackBelt ''Very positive and explained everything very well. Encouraging ''

Key Benefit SpanishBlackBelt ''Consuelo does an excellent job of matching lessons to my progress and making sure that I have a good foundation before I move to the next level. ''

Key Benefit SpanishBlackBelt ''Consuelo was the best Spanish teacher that I've ever had. She was extremely patient and helped me to go back and review concepts that I'd forgotten or never quite grasped in my courses through school. She was especially good at adapting lessons to fit my needs and interests. For example, since I'm interested in medicine, we reviewed medical vocabulary and practiced how to describe scenes and events that occur in a hospital. For me, this was a great practical exercise in how to apply the course content to real-life situations. She also helped me to prepare for a volunteer opportunity where I thought that I might need to speak Spanish.''

Key Benefit SpanishBlackBelt ''Worked at my pace and made sure I understood information before rushing ahead to the next lesson.''

Key Benefit SpanishBlackBelt ''Consuelo was very good at helping me learn all of the material in a straightforward and professional manner. ''

Key Benefit SpanishBlackBelt ''My experience with Spanish BlackBelt and working with my tutor, Consuelo Ortega, has been my best language-learning experience by far. Consuelo is such a wonderful tutor. I feel comfortable with her, and I really feel like I'm learning a lot!''

Key Benefit SpanishBlackBelt ''Very responsive; creative in her use of exercises; offered multiple suggestions on ways to improve my Spanish outside of our class sessions; very personable.''

Key Benefit SpanishBlackBelt ''Consuelo adapted to my learning style, was very informative and supportive. Consuelo inspires learning with her positive approach. Consuelo focuses on the right combination of reading, writing, reading out loud and speaking - accelerating my learning objectives. ''

Key Benefit SpanishBlackBelt ''Consuelo's explanation of various Spanish grammar rules was excellent, and she was able to structure each class in a way that kept our sessions interactive and maximized my opportunity to practice listening and speaking.''

Key Benefit SpanishBlackBelt ''Consuelo made sure her lessons were extremely clear and focused on improving my individual needs and abilities. She also managed our time very well without me ever feeling rushed.''

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