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Student testimonials regarding Juana Rosa, a superb native Spanish tutor!



75 Reviews

Key Benefit SpanishBlackBelt ''Patiently interact with the individual class members, in an encouraging manner.''

Key Benefit SpanishBlackBelt ''This was my first spanish tutor. ''

Key Benefit SpanishBlackBelt ''Tailoring the curriculum to our needs and wants. Explaining vocabulary we were curious about and always taking the time to make sure everyone was progressing at the same rate. ''

Key Benefit SpanishBlackBelt ''She identified and repeatedly highlighted my biggest issues, highlighted tricky things, and stuck with conversation even when it lagged. She was tough but patient and calm. ''

Key Benefit SpanishBlackBelt ''Exhibited patience with my learning. Realized when a concept was not clear. Encouraged me to speak more Spanish. ''

Key Benefit SpanishBlackBelt ''She came well prepared, was patient, and was careful to always use Spanish wherever possible.''

Key Benefit SpanishBlackBelt ''We never had time to do our homework, and Rosa made it very comfortable for us to attend class being unprepared. We simply went over the material, and went on with class. Also, writing all the new words on paper was particularly useful to us.''

Key Benefit SpanishBlackBelt ''Juana Rosa was really excellent at sticking to Spanish and adjusting for the needs of her different students. She would speak more quickly for me and more slowly for another student, for example. ''

Key Benefit SpanishBlackBelt ''My tutor maintained a friendly, collegial atmosphere. My tutor payed attention to everyone in the class, remembered details from their lives, and had a nice sense of humor. ''

Key Benefit SpanishBlackBelt ''Making sure we spoke in spanish all the time and making sure we understood what was being said. I was surprised she could understand my spanish as well as she did.''

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