All of our Spanish classes in your city are now being conducted solely live online. We no longer offer classes in person in your city. You can learn more about our Spanish classes live online here.

If you are not willing to have your Spanish classes live online, please DO NOT apply.

Private Spanish Classes for students living in Chicago, IL

Happy Student

Our private Spanish classes and tutoring ...

🎯 Adapt to your unique needs, interests and objectives

🏎️ Are ideal for those who want or need to make rapid improvements but can also cover material as slow as you need.

πŸ§‘β€πŸ« Allow you to meet privately with your very own native Spanish tutor for students living in Chicago, IL

πŸ‘©πŸΎβ€βš•οΈ Allow you to either learn Spanish for everyday conversation or focus on learning the aspects of the language that are most relevant for a particular area, field, test or industry.

πŸ—£οΈ Allow you to have total control on deciding what areas/skills of the language we focus the most whether they relate to speaking, listening, grammar, reading, writing, and/or vocabulary acquisition.

πŸ§‘β€πŸ€β€πŸ§‘ Allow you to dedicate the classes just to yourself, or to share them with your friends, colleagues and/or relatives.

πŸ—“οΈ Let you choose the most convenient times and days to meet (subject to availability)

⛱️ Allow you to reschedule sessions if missed (provided that you notify us of the need for a change with at least 24 hours in advance)

Our private Spanish tutoring program can adapt to any specific need that you may have.

Although our learning materials are specifically designed for the needs of adults and teens 13 and up, younger students may be admitted as an exception as long as the minimum age is observed.

  • Participants for classes conducted live online need to be at least 8 years old if no parent is present

  • Participants for classes conducted in person, WHEN AVAILABLE, need to be at least 13 years old if no parent is present

Even though we suggest to follow our teaching material developed in house and that we suggest to cover one chapter of it per level, you can always request your tutor, in private classes, to cover less or more content per hour, to dedicate time to cover prior material, and/or to just practice with what you have learned so far. Just keep in mind that if going slower, the number of hours purchased may not be sufficient to cover all of the suggested material for a level. If this were to be the case, you can always purchase more hours later on so that you can resume where you left off. :) On the other hand this flexibility will allow you to go faster or skip content when you both see fit.

Because your classes are conducted on a private basis, your level can be changed at any time. Just be aware that knowledge of grammar in isolation is not enough to decide what level you should work on, and that the most important criteria should be instead how well you use that knowledge as part of a normal conversation.

Before deciding on any changes, consider waiting until meeting with your tutor a few more times. Jumping up a level too soon only because your first class may have seemed to be too easy, because the homework was too easy, or because the topics to be covered in class had already been seen before, may be detrimental. In order to be placed one whole level up, all of the topics, vocabulary, tenses and structures of a level, not only need to be understood but also need to be used verbally in conversation.

Some good alternatives to switching right away may be to cover content faster or skipping some chapters that cover knowledge that you already master. You can also request your tutor to replace the homework suggested for each chapter for something adequately challenging for you such as writing essays or preparing for oral presentations in class.

You may also mix and match syllabi. You may discuss these options directly with your tutor, need be.

With private classes you are in control. These classes can be personalized to your specific interests whether they are:

  • open conversations about current events or hispanic culture,
  • grammar,
  • vocabulary acquisition,
  • essay writing,
  • literature,
  • industry needs, or even
  • standardized Spanish test preparation.

Normally though, most of our Spanish students are mostly interested in improving their speaking abilities. We strongly believe that this objective is not achieved in a short time by paying too much attention to grammar. It is indeed grammar that makes most people lose confidence while speaking. The idea is that there is only a limited amount of time to be exposed to the language. Studying grammar would distract you from your ultimate objective.

Our Spanish classes are very practical and conducted almost entirely in Spanish using a speech that gently increases in complexity, speed and sophistication so that you can get the feeling that you are understanding almost everything that the tutor is saying. You will learn to speak in Spanish in a context that considers your unique needs, interests and prior knowledge simply because we know students will learn faster when they are paying attention to something they care about.

  • Most private classes (one-on-one or private groups) would last 2 hours each, their recommended minimum length. This recommended minimum length allows you, your peers and your tutor to minimize the time you need to spend commuting relative to the time invested in attending classes. This recommended minimum length also allows you to have sufficient time to do all the class dynamics required to be done at once. This will make you notice significant improvement over time.

  • Because 1-hour-long classes complicate the school logistics which adds costs, the price for these 1-hour-long sessions will be slightly higher than those of the recommended minimum length of two hours.

  • Spanish immersion classes (8 or more hours per week) however, could last as long as 4 hours each.

  • Each hour will last 55 minutes to accommodate for a 5-minute break and an adequate transition between different classes.

Our instructors are very passionate about teaching the language, sharing their culture and having their students communicate verbally in Spanish. Because of the intensity of the experience, you will most probably not feel that time is passing by until your session ends.

Our program and materials are interesting and engaging. If you fear that you will lose your focus after an hour, rest assured that your tutor will keep you engaged and interested all throughout the session.

The number of hours per week that you should consider enrolling for depends on how urgent your need to learn Spanish is.

  • Most of our students meet with us anywhere between 2 to 16 hours per week, subject to availability.

  • Because of other personal and professional commitments, many students choose to meet just 2 hours per week, which is still effective as long as there is a long-term commitment to learn the language.

  • In addition, students are expected to study at home on their own the same number of hours per week that they meet with their instructor to read in advance what they will be working with on the next class, and to do related homework. Therefore, meeting for example 2 hours per week with your instructor translates into an extra 2 hours of self-studying at home, adding up to 4 hours per week of total commitment to your Spanish learning.

  • Average students complete a full level of instruction after meeting with their Spanish tutor for 16 hours.

  • There are 10 levels of instruction: 4 beginner, 3 intermediate and 3 advanced. We label our levels by color, though, going from the Pearl Belt (Beginner 1) to the Black Belt (Advanced 3).

Although we offer private class students the option to choose to have classes anywhere between 2 to 16 hours per week (subject to availability), what we would call an immersion experience based on the number of hours of classes per week would be having classes 8 to 16 hours per week.

For example:

  • If you choose to meet with us 16 hours per week (immersion), you will complete any of our 10 levels of instruction in 1 week. You will most probably be meeting 4 times per week on 4-hour-long sessions.

  • If you choose to meet with us 8 hours per week (semi-immersion), you will complete any of our 10 levels of instruction in 2 weeks. You will most probably be meeting 4 times per week on 2-hour-long sessions.

With One-on-One classes you are required to have a default schedule so that we can guarantee that we will always have time for you on each of the weeks that will have been allocated to you until your expiration date. This means that you are expected to meet regularly with your tutor every week at the same times and days.

If your schedule changes every week, you can consider having your classes on a floating schedule which allows you to agree with your tutor on a week-by-week basis on when to have your next session, subject to the times/days that he/she has available in the given week. There may be weeks when you may not be able to find a mutually convenient time/day but a floating schedule would not restrict you with an expiration date as tight as the one you would have with regular classes. Classes will still expire if unused within a reasonable period of time to be defined case by case.

If you can commit to the same time and day for most weeks but expect that you will not be able to make it to some of them, you can just agree with your tutor directly on make up dates for those classes that you will be missing by choosing from what he/she has available on the upcoming week. Please make sure that you:

  • Notify your tutor of the need to miss a class with at least a 24-hour notice to avoid losing that class as missed without makeup, and that

  • All of your sessions are completed by the allocated number of weeks.

Specific alternative make up dates cannot be reserved with more than a week in advance. Scheduling them with more time in advance will be unfair to your tutor as they will block off a time and day that he could dedicate regularly to another student.

Absolutely! If your friend plans to attend nearly all of the sessions together with you, we would be happy to welcome him or her at no additional cost as long as she has a level of fluency and knowledge compatible with yours. However, to maintain a smooth learning experience for all participants, we do not recommend or encourage having other students attend the sessions only occasionally.

If compatible and equally committed, you can therefore invite him to join you for free, or you can split the cost.

If more than one other person is interested in joining you, consider instead assembling your own private group. Learn more about this option here.

You can certainly purchase a reduced-price 55-minute one-on-one sample session with your Spanish tutor for:

  • $49 if meeting online, or

  • $59 if meeting at a cafe or other public space AND in-person classes are available, or

  • $79 if meeting at your office or home, provided that your home is within our area of influence AND in-person classes are available.

On this sample session, you will have the chance to:

  1. meet your Spanish tutor, and

  2. familiarize yourself with our Spanish program, teaching materials and methods

For their peace of mind, new students will also have the chance to request a change of tutor or a full refund, after having their first regular class, if they think our Spanish program is not compatible with their needs. Students can communicate this request via email within the following 48 hours after their first class. After that deadline they will only be entitled to partial refunds that would correspond to the number of hours not yet used. Sessions missed without proper minimum 24-hour notice would be considered used.

To purchase a sample session, please follow these steps:

  1. Submit an application if you have not done so already. Please do not forget to include a note saying that you are first interested in having a sample session.

  2. Once you are accepted into the program and suggested a time/day to have your sample session, please submit the corresponding fee through our payment center.

  3. Wait up to 5 business days for our confirmation via email.

Our Spanish classes are usually available all year long except during national and religious holidays. They could take place during regular business hours, at night or on weekends.

In order to receive a proposal that considers your schedule preferences and our current availability, please submit a non-commitment  online application. Your application will be responded within 5 business days.

If you only have a limited number of weeks to study with us, you can choose to meet with us from 2 hours per week to 16 hours per week, subject to availability in your area. Typical and recommended minimum length of a session would be 2 hours. Maximum length of a session would be 4 hours. Minimum purchase is a total of 16 hours.

For example:

  • If you choose to meet with us 16 hours per week, you will complete any of our 10 levels of instruction in 1 week. You will most probably be meeting 4 times per week on 4-hour-long sessions.

  • If you choose to meet with us 8 hours per week, you will complete any of our 10 levels of instruction in 2 weeks. You will most probably be meeting 4 times per week on 2-hour-long sessions.

  • If you choose to meet with us 4 hours per week, you will complete any of our 10 levels of instruction in 4 weeks. You will be meeting 2 times per week on 2-hour-long sessions.

  • If you choose to meet with us 2 hours per week, you will complete any of our 10 levels of instruction in 8 weeks. You will be meeting once per week on a 2-hour-long session.

Please be aware though that in addition to committing to attend your sessions, students are expected to study at home on their own the same number of hours per week that they meet with their instructor and to read in advance what they will be working with in the next class, and to do the related homework. Suggested number of hours per week to dedicate to these at-home activities is the same number of hours that you will be meeting with your tutor. Therefore, meeting for example 2 hours per week with your instructor translates into an extra 2 hours of self-studying at home, adding up to 4 hours per week of total commitment to your Spanish learning.

One-on-One sessions or private (self-assembled groups) can start as quickly as 7 days after your tuition is received. This wait time is required to give us ample time to coordinate all the logistics and for your tutor to adequately prepare for your first class.

Before submitting your tuition though, you would need to apply to our Spanish program and be accepted.

You may be able to schedule make up sessions if you register for private classes provided that you:

  1. Notify your tutor directly of this need at least 24 hours before your scheduled session to be missed, AND

  2. Complete all of your sessions within the allocated number of weeks (prior to your expiration date), AND

  3. Choose from what she has available on the current or following week of when you would like the make up session to take place.

Specific alternative make up dates cannot be reserved with more than a week in advance. Scheduling them with more time in advance will be unfair to your tutor as they will block off a time and day that he could dedicate regularly to another student.

This means that you may need to agree with your tutor directly on when to have your make-up classes by choosing from his/her availability at the time of your request. If, for example, you are meeting once per week, you may need to meet twice per week in any of the prior or remaining weeks left. Another alternative would be to have your prior or remaining sessions run longer if possible.

Extending the term more than the allocated number of weeks would also be unfair to the tutor as once a student is assigned to a time slot, the tutor cannot use that time slot to any other student. Extending the term will make the tutor not make her ends meet.

If you registered for private group classes, all students in the group would need to agree.

If attending private classes in person, an alternative to missing classes when traveling is to have your Spanish classes live online at your usual times and days. If you are traveling to a different timezone, class would still need to take place at your regular times and days (usual time zone).

  • If there is a National or Religious Holiday or if Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Year's Weeks fall within your pre-paid term, your term may be extended accordingly to compensate for that Holiday.
  • To see a list of all Holidays observed, please click here.
  • However, sessions will take place during public Holidays if both (1) student(s) and (2) teacher agree on having the session anyway.

With One-on-One classes and private group classes your are required to have a default schedule so that we can guarantee that we will always have time for you on each of the weeks that will have been allocated to you until your expiration date. This means that you are expected to meet regularly with your tutor every week at the same times, days and location.

If your schedule changes regularly, you can consider instead having your classes on a floating schedule which allows you to agree with your tutor on a week-by-week basis on when to have your next session, subject to the times/days that tutor has available in the given week. There may be weeks when you may not be able to find a mutually convenient time/day but a floating schedule would not restrict you with an expiration date as tight as the one you would have with regular classes. Please note that these classes will still expire a month after their projected end date. Therefore, please make sure that you use all of your classes by then.

If on the other hand you foresee that you will not be able to meet at your regular day and time only in a few instances, you may be able to reschedule a class provided that you:

  1. Notify your tutor of this need at least 24 hours before your scheduled session to be missed, AND

  2. Complete all of your sessions within the allocated number of weeks (prior to your expiration date).

This means that you may need to agree with your tutor directly on when to have your make-up classes by choosing from what tutor has available in the upcoming week. If, for example, you are meeting once per week, you may need to meet twice per week in any of the prior or remaining weeks left. Specific alternative make up dates cannot be reserved with more than a week in advance. Scheduling them with more time in advance will be unfair to your tutor as they will block off a time and day that he could dedicate regularly to another student.

Unfortunately it is not possible to reserve a specific time slot unless the student attends regularly every week. Reserving a specific time slot and meeting only every other week would unfairly block our tutor’s schedule without allowing him to conduct classes with any other student on that specific time slot on the weeks when you do not meet as almost all other students do expect to meet on the same times and days each week.

With private classes students are required to have a default schedule so that we can guarantee that we'll always have time for that student on each of the weeks that will have been allocated to him/her until your expiration date. This means that the student is expected to meet regularly with the tutor every week at the same times, days and location.

If you can only meet every other week, you can consider instead having your classes on a floating schedule which allows you to agree with your tutor on a session-by-session basis on when to have your next session, subject to the times/days that he/she has available in the upcoming week. There may be weeks when you may not be able to find a mutually convenient time/day but a floating schedule would not restrict you with an expiration date as tight as the one you would have with regular classes. You may continue meeting on your most desired times/days for as long as that time slot is not secured by any other student committing to using that time slot regularly. Whenever you can meet, you can notify the tutor of your interest, to explore her availability, with an advance notice no longer than a week and no shorter than 1 business day. Classes will still expire if unused within a reasonable period of time to be defined case by case.

Minimum purchase is a package of 16 hours of one-on-one Spanish instruction. These 16 hours allow our students to complete one full level of Spanish proficiency, out of the 10 levels that we offer.

Our prices for Private Spanish Classes for students living in Chicago may vary depending on:

  • the size of the class (most expensive if it is just you...less expensive the more students with whom you share your instruction)

  • the day and time of the day (may be more expensive on weeknights and weekends)

  • the length of a session (more expensive if classes are shorter than 2 hours long)

  • the number of levels that you pre-pay (the more levels you pre-pay, the cheaper per hour it becomes)

Upon registration, you will be provided with access to a course syllabus and most of the learning material to be used in class through our online student center at no extra cost. On this online center you will be able to generate printouts and access extra material to complement your classes. You will not be required to buy any other learning materials, unless desired.

  • There are no hidden registration or application fees. You will only pay the price for your classes as listed below when you are ready to secure a schedule.

  • Enroll risk free! You will get a full refund if not fully satisfied with your first session.

We offer three formats of private Spanish classes for students living in Chicago, IL:

ONE-ON-ONE Spanish Classes

Ideal for students that
have unique learning needs
β˜€οΈ πŸ’Ό πŸŽ
Weekdays between 8am and 5pm ONLY for
2-hour-long classes or longer, meeting at the same times and days each week
Live online
In person
At a pre-selected coffee shop or tutor’s home
At your home or office





πŸŒ™ βš½ πŸͺ‚ πŸ’
Evenings after 5pm and weekends (2-hour-long classes or longer), or
* floating schedule, or
1-hour-long sessions at any time/day
Live online
In person
At a pre-selected coffee shop or tutor’s home
At your home or office





  • You could share this cost with up to one other person that you know such as a friend or relative converting it into a Two-to-One class, provided that both are on the same level.
  • Requires upfront purchase of 1 full level (a total of 16 hours).

  • Cheaper if registering for more than one level upfront.

If your schedule changes regularly, you can consider instead having your classes on a floating schedule which allows you to agree with your tutor on a week-by-week basis on when to have your next session, subject to the times/days that tutor has available in the given week.

There may be weeks when you may not be able to find a mutually convenient time/day but a floating schedule would not restrict you with an expiration date as tight as the one you would have with regular classes. Classes will still expire if unused within a reasonable period of time to be defined case by case.

Self-Assembled SMALL Group

Ideal for friends and/or
family members
  • You assemble a private group of 2 to 4 students of the same level

  • Meet live online

  • Tuition per student per hour is:
# of Students in Group $ per student per hour
4 $20 to $24
3 $25 to $30
2 $35 to $42

  • Requires upfront purchase of 1 full level (a total of 16 hours).

  • Cheaper if registering for more than one level upfront.

Self-Assembled MID-SIZED Group

Ideal for
  • You assemble a private group of 5 to 12 students of the same level
  • Tuition per student per hour is:
# of Students in Group $ per student per hour
11 to 12 $20
9 to 10 $21
7 to 8 $22
5 to 6 $23

  • Requires upfront purchase of 1 full level (a total of 16 hours).

  • Cheaper if registering for more than one level upfront

  • To learn about why you should seriously consider studying with us, please click here .

Unfortunately, we are not able to accept payments class by class. Minimum purchase upfront is a package of 16 hours of private Spanish tutoring and/or classes. These 16 hours allow our students to complete one full level of Spanish proficiency, out of the 10 levels that we offer.

To ensure continuity and noticeable academic results, we do not allow enrollments for less than these number of hours. We hope that you understand.

We do offer though the option of financing through Paypal, our online payments institution.

  • To learn more about our financing option through Paypal, please click here .

Yes we do. The more levels you pay up front, the cheapest each level becomes. To learn more, click on the link β€œCheaper if purchasing more levels upfront” located under the prices list above.

The times and days for your classes could be changed at any time, if needed, to any other time/day for which the same rate applies. If needing to switch from morning weekday classes to having instead classes after 5pm Eastern on weekdays, or classes on weekends at any time, an adjustment may need to be calculated.

If taking your classes in-person, at any time throughout your studies you can change the meeting location to anywhere else in the United States where we have presence.

If not being able to use all hours, a refund corresponding to the number of hours not considered used will be given. When calculating a partial refund, volume discounts earned at the time of your purchase will be adjusted to reflect the real number of levels that you ended up using.

There will be no classes during Holidays and Holiday weekends. Your term will just be extended accordingly.

Remember that the more levels you pay up front, the cheapest each level becomes, and that the most friends, relatives, or colleagues you share the classes with, the cheapest it becomes for each of you.

If you want to split the cost but it is not possible for you to gather friends, family members or colleagues to join you in a private group of yours, please consider enrolling in one of the small group classes that our school assembles as listed here .

Our classes are really not that expensive considering the value that they offer. We want you to know that we have absolutely no hidden costs. There are no application or enrollment fees, and you'll have full access to our exclusive materials at no extra charge.

It's important to remember that when you're comparing your options, it's not just about the price tag. You should also consider the exceptional quality of our instructors, materials, and teaching methods.

Creating proprietary materials to help students rapidly improve their conversational skills is a significant investment. Developing and continually refining our teaching methodology comes at a cost. Attracting the best tutors in the field is another commitment we take seriously. To gain more insight into our reputation, we encourage you to read independent third-party reviews on platforms like Google, Yelp, or visit our Better Business Bureau page, where we proudly hold an A+ rating.

We're confident that our prices are not only reasonable but reflect the premium quality of private instruction you'll receive. This personalized approach allows you to learn more efficiently and effectively, albeit in a format that may seem slightly more expensive. Keep in mind that in this format, you or you and your friends are covering all the expenses associated with the class to ensure you receive the highest level of education and individualized attention.

Our class prices vary based on when you choose to attend. Classes are a bit more expensive on weeknights (starting from 5 pm Eastern) and on weekends because that's when most people have free time and want to join.

To encourage some students to pick daytime sessions on weekdays, which is when we have more available tutors, we offer lower prices during those hours. This helps us ensure there's enough space for those who can't switch to daytime.

It's important to know that the quality of our classes remains the same, regardless of when you attend. If you can join us during daytime on weekdays and we have openings, you're welcome to do so.

We believe that our prices are reasonable for one-on-one instruction and are therefore non-negotiable. Keep in mind that one-on-one / private instruction is the most expensive format that any school offers. It is more expensive than other formats because it is just one person or a small private group absorbing all of the costs of the instruction provided.

With one-on-one classes, you will be receiving the most premium instruction and individualized attention which may allow you to learn more in less time. Naturally this format is the most expensive format out there because only one student, you, will be paying to cover all expenses associated with the class.

If one-on-one / private classes are out of reach at the moment, consider enrolling in semi-private small group classes instead (of an average of 4 students each) which are about half the price of one-on-one instruction. You can read about our small group classes and find specific groups available here .

Alternatively, or in addition, consider asking your employer to fund these enrichment classes.

Bear in mind that we do not have hidden costs. There are no fees to either apply or enroll, and access to our materials is included at no extra cost.

Other options provided by alternative language schools may be slightly cheaper but will have more students in each class. Besides this, it is not just the cost that you need to consider when comparing different options… You also need to consider the quality of the instructors, the quality of the materials and the quality of the methodology. Please take the time to read our 5-star independent third party reviews on Google or Yelp, or visit the Better Business Bureau page to learn more about our A+rating maintained since our inception.

Our prices may vary over time due to multiple reasons.

To cite some examples:

  1. Prices may go down during a special promotion

  2. Prices may go up when we don't have sufficient tutors to meet demand

  3. Prices may go down when economies of scale are reached.

Levels need to be paid in advance through your preferred payment method by visiting our payment center.

The payment needs to be sent once the submitted application has been approved by our school and accepted by you.

Initial term payment need to be received at least five business days before desired start date. To hold into time slot, consecutive terms are required to be paid five business days before your current term expires. Reservations cannot be made unless the payment is received on time.

To apply for our Spanish program and receive a quote in writing and a schedule proposal that considers your preferences and our current availability, please click here . Please be aware that it may take us up to 5 business days to reply to your application.

No. All proprietary learning material will be accessible at no extra charge through our online student center .

All of our teaching material has been developed by our Academics Department. This material includes a syllabus that will cover topics related to the emphasis you showed interest in, Spanish grammar guides, role plays, conversations, multimedia material and much more.


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