Spanish students testimonials SpanishBlackbelt

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What Our Students Say They Love About Our Native Spanish Tutors

Key Benefits

SpanishBlackbelt is perfect for people who really want to learn Spanish but haven't had much success before. It's also great for those who need Spanish for traveling or work, for new students who want to learn but don't know where to start, for people who want practice that fits their needs, for those who forgot a lot since they last learned Spanish somewhere else, and for people who can read and write Spanish but need help speaking it better.

These testimonials attest to this...

''Luis is very personable and willing to tailor the course for us. He is very accommodative for our times and places. It is a lot of fun learning with him.'' Nov 28 2005

''While Inma did challenge me, we also had fun and laughed, so I was less stressed about the somewhat daunting task of trying to learn a new language.'' Nov 15 2005

''First, she is a wonderful person. She is really nice and helpful with everything. The grammar she taught really helped, as well. She clarified many aspects of the subjunctive for me. I also felt she was very well prepared and always planned activities, discussions, and grammar exercises for her.'' Nov 14 2005

''She was very helpful and understanding.'' Nov 13 2005

''Ana always met me on-time and was very polite. She made sure I was always comfortable in our sessions. It was the most beneficial that she would correct me in my speech (which is my most difficult area) and explain why.'' Nov 12 2005

''She corrected me while I spoke. We talked about current topics with words I will likely use a lot in conversation. '' Nov 11 2005

''She was able to make me feel at ease when I wasn't sure about my speaking abilities. I wasn't afraid to make mistakes while attempting the different exercises. I was surprised and impressed that I knew more than what I thought I knew and vice versa.'' Nov 10 2005

''She was able to make me feel at ease when I wasn't sure about my speaking abilities. I wasn't afraid to make mistakes while attempting the different exercises. I was surprised and impressed that I knew more than what I thought I knew and vice versa.'' Nov 10 2005

''She was well organized and came to class prepared. I also appreciated how hard she made me work!'' Nov 09 2005

''she encourages us to speak Spanish as much as possible in the sessions and often includes exercises which are challenging for a complete beginner which,although more difficult, I enjoy because I need to be pushed and challenged.'' Nov 08 2005

''During the first session she discussed what I wanted to learn from the overall experience. She made sure I left every class feeling comfortable about what we learned in our session.'' Nov 08 2005

''She would assign writing homework every week. Also she would quiz us every week. This is particulary important since alot of information is being learned in such a short period of time.'' Nov 02 2005

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Frequently Asked Questions

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To be sure that no bad reviews have been filtered out, when comparing alternative learning solutions with us, you should always refer to independent third-party reviews sites to read testimonials from current and former students.

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Results may vary. Although many SpanishBlackbelt ™ students have been very successful, the positive results achieved by one student may not be indicative of all students' experiences.


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